Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentines day to all!

I completely forgot that it was Valentines day today. Its funny - its such a non-holiday for me. Nothing too special or exciting. Oh, except for cinnamon hearts - I absolutely love cinnamon hearts. They're addictive.

I am still without a job and have discovered something. I make better use of my free time when I don't have a lot of it. ugh. I'm still waiting to hear from the homeless shelter, the dairy farm job is gone and I just applied at Costco. Seriously, looking through the want ads is like sifting through a near-empty bag of Lucky Charms looking for that last remaining marshmallow - there is nothing interesting.

Add to that the fact that I'm feeling like I just need a break from the corporate, commercial world and there aren't too many available options.

I've seriously considered jumping in my car and driving till I felt like coming back. Just be a wanderer for awhile. Its not gonna' happen - still got stuff to take care of.

I met a guy named William today. He was begging on the street and definitely feeling the cold. I can barely fathom what would bring a person to that point. It makes me grateful for a God and a family that have not led me down that path. At the same time, I wonder if it wouldn't be a good thing for most of middle-class white Canada to experience something like that once in their lives. It would certainly breed a lot more compassion.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I know exactly what you mean about the free time... I find working part-time like I do now I have all this excess free time that I don't do very well with. I like being busy with forced busy-ness I guess. I prefer working 5 days a week.